About Us

The field is a major asset to the Cal Poly Aerospace Engineering Department. Flight instruction is provided by Cal Poly’s Student Club, the “Mustang Flyers”, and the SLO Flyers Club. The flying of model aircraft for experimental purposes or for sport can present real challenge to the “Pilot”, the Pilot must therefore be skilled in both certifying the flight-worthiness of the aircraft and being able to control the plane in flight. Scale model aircraft are time consuming and costly to build, and could be dangerous in flight if not properly controlled. The need to maintain strict safety rules at the field is obvious. Because of our unique relationship with Cal Poly in which we share the use of the field, we must exercise care in assuring the safety of those who are at the field.

The EFR is normally open seven days a week between the hours of 8:00 to 4:00, but use of the field may be limited by local weather conditions or maintenance operations. Since a portion of the access road is unpaved, if deemed advisable because of heavy rain or maintenance work is planned, a notice may be posted on the club’s “hotline” phone (805)550-9892.

Note: SLO Flyers, Inc. shares the field with California Polytechnic State University as an Educational Flight Range. Under a SLO Flyers agreement with Cal Poly, use of the field is strictly limited to the following personnel:

1. Cal Poly Aero Faculty and Staff.
2. Cal Poly Aero Students fulfilling Course Requirements.
3. Members of the Cal Poly ASI Student Model Flying Club
4. Members of SLO Flyers Inc.