Santa Margarita Ranch Glider Field

Santa Margarita Ranch Glider Field

Posted on January 29, 2019 by David Stafford

Hi everybody, Recently we have acquired the use a new flying site in Santa Margarita at Santa Margarita Ranch. We have been using this exquisite new site to practice for and host glider contests. While it is perfect for gliders, it is also suitable for other craft such as foamies with no or bush type landing gear or motorized wings, quads, or anything that can handle rough landings. I encourage anyone in our club who might be interested to join us and check it out. I have a contact email list that you are welcome to join. Each time we use the Ranch we must contact the ranch manager and designate a day. We generally plan about three or four days ahead. I send an Email to the group as to day and time…usually about 8:30 to noon. Loads of fun…Everyone is welcome! I will also post these outings on our SLOFlyers web site. Anyone interested in being on our email list can contact me and I will put you on our e-mailer and answer any questions. Steve Willison

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